Guan Hu’s "Dog Formation" exposes a positive film clip, Peng Yuyan’s black dog interprets savage growth

1905 movie network news The Cannes double-prize film, directed and starring, is being released. Recently, the film released the main clip of "Crossing the Dog Formation". Jiro carries an injured black dog and encounters a pack of dogs all over the mountains on the way. The astonishing scene of Jiro slowly pushing the motorcycle "Crossing the Dog Formation" impressed the audience. Some viewers said that "the two fateful encounters between Jiro and the pack of dogs not only outline the insignificance of the characters and the loneliness of life, but also depict the profound relationship between the individual and the era."

The scene of Jiro and Black Dog "crossing the dog formation" in the film is shocking, with nearly 100 dogs standing on the mountain and looking in the direction of Jiro and Black Dog. At the same time, nearly 100 dog actors were mobilized to make them still and cooperate with the filming of the film. The crew made great efforts. Tong Liya shared with the audience at the premiere that before filming the animal scene, she saw "the staff will pretend to be dogs, squat on the ground and walk over and over again."

In order to more realistically present the group of dogs needed in the film, the crew also took in hundreds of local stray dogs while looking for dog actors. The film’s producer and chief producer said that for the first time to shoot such a large-scale animal scene, a lot of preparations were made for this. Not only "three acres of kennels were built for these dogs," professional care was hired, and even "dog groomers" were provided. After the shooting, not only did Peng Yuyan adopt three dogs, but many of the crew also took in the dog actors who participated in the shooting.

Jiro, played by Peng Yuyan, has been silent in the film. After being released from prison on "parole", he returned to his homeland and became a marginal figure who was out of tune with the current environment. As a person left behind in the times, Jiro only had a black dog willing to accompany him. Jiro and the black dog chose to redeem each other and start again. The strong vitality of the two sides in the bloody struggle deeply touched the audience. "Jiro and the black dog are savage life forms. They both live desperately and work hard to move forward and set off again in their own way."

The movie "Dog Formation" is directed by Guan Hu, starring Peng Yuyan and Tong Liya, and is being screened nationwide.