The country’s first private enterprise satellite intelligent AIT center settled in Taizhou, Zhejiang

  China’s First Private Enterprise Satellite Intelligent AIT Center Settles in Taizhou, Zhejiang

  China News Service, Taizhou, March 3 (reporter Fan Yubin) On the 3rd, the start ceremony of major projects in Zhejiang Province to expand effective investment was held in the form of a video conference, and 537 projects with a total investment of 886.40 billion yuan were started. Among them, China’s first pulsating modular satellite intelligent AIT (final assembly integration test) center landed in Taizhou.

  It is reported that the Taizhou Geely Satellite Project plans to build a satellite R & D center, a component intelligent manufacturing center, a measurement and control center, a cloud computing big data platform, and other facilities, drawing on the advanced assembly process of the automotive industry to create a modular, flexible, and intelligent manufacturing plant, which can flexibly meet the requirements of different types of satellite assembly and testing.

Photo by Fang Chenye at the Taizhou branch venue
Photo by Fang Chenye at the Taizhou branch venue

  The start of the project marks the beginning of Taizhou’s aerospace industry, and "Made in Taizhou" will fly from here to low-Earth orbit. It will not only have positive benefits for the development of local high-tech industries, industrial structure upgrading and industrial chain radiation upgrading, but also drive the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of satellite aerospace technology in Zhejiang Province, promote the transformation and upgrading of China’s high-end manufacturing, and share the dividends of science and technology.

  Wu Haiping, deputy secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor, said that the concentrated start of construction involves 36 major projects in Taizhou, covering industrial development, transportation investment, urban construction, cultural and tourism integration, people’s livelihood and practical things, etc., which will promote the optimization and upgrading of Taizhou’s industries, the improvement of urban quality and the improvement of people’s livelihood and well-being. In particular, the satellite test center project is a major investment project of Geely Commercial Aerospace in Taizhou. It will build a satellite intelligent design production line and a commercial satellite measurement and control center with international influence, which will inject strong impetus into the development of Taizhou’s aerospace industry. (End)