The movie "Hunted" released a special cast, and Ethan Ruan showed his fanatic temperament

1905 movie network news On November 7, the female safety thriller suspense crime movie directed by, starring,,,, starring, and starring in, released a special episode of "Uncontrolled Suspect" Ethan Ruan, which not only showed the audience Ethan Ruan’s explosive and detailed acting skills, but also showed the private humorous and funny side of Ethan Ruan.

The story of the movie "Hunted" stems from the discovery of an unnamed corpse by female police officer Wu Jie (Zhang Junjun, played). In the process of solving the case, she found that the murderer carefully considered the details of the crime that were very terrifying, and it was very likely to point to a long-planned love murder. Eventually, her eyes gradually locked on the illegal intermediary Lin Yousheng (Ruan Jingtian, played), thus launching a journey of "he escaped her pursuit". At the same time, the movie also focuses on hot topics such as social group disadvantaged and women’s safety, which is rich in profound meaning.

Wild acting, live suspect Lin Yousheng

In the "Uncontrolled Suspect" Ruan Jingtian special, Ruan Jingtian expounded his understanding of the character of Lin Yousheng. He said: "The role of Lin Yousheng is actually very good, his emotions are very rich, and he has the courage to go against the world." Ruan Jingtian carefully studied the heart of Lin Yousheng, and used his profound understanding to express the decadent life of Lin Yousheng, a "criminal suspect", and gathered all the doubts about the case, making people wonder if he was the real murderer. The suspect in the case, with a mixed beard, has a subversive image that is contrary to Ruan Jingtian’s tyrannical temperament. The small movements of "smoking and shaking legs" designed for Lin Yousheng also make the character’s uninhibited image more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Xiang Jieru, a rival actor in the same group, commented: "His performance is very animalistic, and you will be frightened by his explosive power." In order to better understand the emotional state of the characters, Ruan Jingtian often closes himself to help himself maintain his emotions. To this, Ruan Jingtian responded that "emotions are fleeting, and I have to protect them with all my strength, so that it can be kept in front of the camera." In a confrontation between Lin Yousheng and Wu Jie, Ruan Jingtian broke down and kowtowed his head, and his emotions were in place to show professionalism. Zhang Junjun commented, "I feel very distressed for him to shoot crying scenes. I know that he will convey the most real feelings, so I will keep myself in the character’s state of mind for a long time. But this is actually very exhausting." Ruan Jingtian used his meticulous acting skills and profound understanding to live up Lin Yousheng, gaining the recognition of the rest of the creators.

Ruan Jingtian also has high requirements for himself. He said that "I haven’t filmed for a long time, so the pressure is still very high. I have been performing for a long time, and I don’t want to lose this time. I still want to serve some good dishes to the audience and friends." Perhaps it is this purest love for the actor’s career that makes him more confident and determined to present the best Lin Yousheng to the audience.

Humorous and funny, subverting the contrast before and after the stage

In this crew full of friendship and joy, Ethan Ruan also showed his humorous and funny side. In addition to filming, he often joked with the crew. After the 14-hour crying scene was filmed, he jokingly said "I won’t be an actor again in my next life". Zhang Junjun quipped, "Do you still want it in this life?" It is a colleague and a friend who has been with each other for 16 years. When old friends meet, they start the mutual dialogue mode, and the horsepower is on full swing, which is a lot of fun. The studio staff were also amused by Ruan Jingtian’s sunny and cheerful handsome appearance in private. Xiang Jieru, a fellow actor in the group, commented that "Ruan Jingtian is very funny and humorous in private." Zhang Junjun also said that "he is very humorous and has a strong explosive force. Many points are very similar to Lin Yousheng." It is for this reason that he has a strong resonance and deep emotional connection with Lin Yousheng, which perfectly expresses Lin Yousheng’s heart.

After meeting the audience, the film received a lot of praise. Many viewers said bluntly: "Ruan Jingtian’s acting skills are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and many times his eyes make me feel fear. When watching the movie, my emotions are completely led away, which is very immersive!". Some viewers said that "Ruan Jingtian is very delicate in the handling of emotions, and he also designed many ingenious small movements for the characters, which is the characteristic of a good actor."